If you'd like to help us beta test Stack Overflow, in advance of the Monday launch, here's how:
- Go to beta.stackoverflow.com
- Enter "twitter@twitter.com" and "falkensmaze" to gain access (note that this is NOT an account: it's merely a password to gain access to the beta)
- Please do bear in mind the beta test guidelines.
When asking questions, try to keep them on topic:
- Is your question about programming?
- We prefer questions that can be answered, not just discussed.
- Provide details, but write clearly and simply.
I thought these guidelines were straightforward, but they haven't stopped anyone from asking anything they damn well please. Every time I visit the site, I half expect to see "How do I make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?"
If you're wondering what's so special about Stack Overflow, the answer is -- well, nothing, really. It's a programming Q&A; website. The only unusual thing we do is synthesize aspects of Wikis, Blogs, Forums, and Digg/Reddit in a way that is somewhat original. Or at least we think so.

Stack Overflow is that tiny asterisk in the middle, there.
But hopefully you'll see what I mean when you experience it for yourself.