
Welcome New Server Fault Moderator

Last week, the first user reached 10,000 reputation on Server Fault.

That user is splattne.

I had already noticed Stefan from his high quality contributions to Stack Overflow and Twitter, where he seems like a genuinely nice guy and a true geek like us. So when he passed the magical 10k mark, I felt comfortable emailing him to ask if he'd be interested in becoming a Server Fault community moderator. Luckily for us, he was!

(One other benefit of Stefan as a moderator is that he lives in Italy. A really beautiful part of it, apparently. This gives us better time coverage for the current SF moderators who are mostly US-based.)

Anyway, welcome to splattne, our newest member of the growing family of community moderators!

If you're ever curious who the moderators are for a given site, they are all listed on the /about page for each one. The about page for the meta site is probably the best single place to look, since all moderators across our sites are also moderators there.

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