Remember the trilogy stickers I wrote about a while ago?

They've arrived. All 40,000 of them. Each box was around 22-25 pounds.
Here's a close up of each sticker. They are all about 4 1/2" wide.

Imagine the endless fun you could have with this many stickers!

As to how you, yourself, can get hold of these totally awesome stickers -- attend Stack Overflow Dev Days where they will be given away in great profusion! In fact, we reserve the right to physically adhere these stickers to anyone in attendance! (Not really. As far as you know.)
Beyond that, we're still not sure. Joel is a fan of the SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) approach, but I still feel that's asking a bit too much of my fellow sticker enthusiasts.
If you'd like to get Stack Overflow stickers, see how in this post.