It's time once again to support your favorite open source project through our Free Vote-Based Advertising for Open Source Projects. We are clearing the leader boards to start the second half of 2010 anew.
For the past six months, Stack Overflow has been providing free advertising for open source projects. For those of you who missed it the last time around, this is a true, grass roots movement for programmers to publicize their favorite open source projects. Users create the ads, users vote for their favorites, and Stack Overflow features them in a sidebar ad slot.
Congratulations to the top-voted projects from the first half of 2010:

In the last round, the top-voted ads received over a 1/4-million impressions each. Not a bad deal for a grass roots, community-created advertising give-away.
Now it's time for round 2.

Round 2
Each advertising period runs for about six months. To start off the second half of 2010, we have reset the voting and cleared the ads board. Now you have another chance to create a Free Vote-Based Advertisement for an Open Source Project.
Here’s how it works:
- Visit the special question thread for this advertising period. It will always be tagged [open-source-advertising].
- Construct a 220×220 image advertisement for the open source project that you would like to publicize to your fellow programmers. Your ad should be an original creation which has not previously appeared on Stack Overflow.
- Post an answer containing your image to the question. It must be in exactly the right format, as documented in the question itself.
- Get at least six up-votes for your answer.
- Your advertisement will now be featured in Stack Overflow’s remnant ad inventory, in the sidebar ad slot on most pages.
Then, visit the ad summary page, and mouse-over the 'view stats' link to see how each ad is doing.
So, let's flex those Photoshop GIMP muscles and create an ad for your favorite, open source project to bring them some much-needed publicity!
Submit your ad here
And don't forget to come back often and vote for the newest entries.