
Stack Exchange API 1.0 Imminent

Remember that totally awesome Stack Exchange API contest we announced on May 23rd? Specifically, one of the rules of the contest?

Your app must work against the final, 1.0 released version of the API. We’ll give you at least a week’s notice here on the blog when that’s closer to happening.

Well, if you're planning to enter this contest, you might want to get a move on -- the 1.0 release of the Stack Exchange API is imminent! We plan to bless 1.0 of the API this Friday, July 9th.

Due to the many Area 51 sites we're launching, things are a bit busy. That's good news, though, for my fellow procrastinators -- it means we're extending the deadline for the API contest slightly. We now plan to pick the contest winners in the first week of August.

So, if you're thinking of entering the contest, you still have a few weeks to build something prize-worthy.

visit stackapps.com and start building awesome stuff with our API!

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