We're pleased to announce that ubuntu.stackexchange.com, in partnership with Canonical, Ltd, has become Ask Ubuntu.
We're excited to see this come to fruition, because:
- Our mission is "let's make the internet better"; that's strikingly similar in scope to Canonical's mission.
- It underscores the spirit of both Ubuntu and Stack Overflow in that we can all get along and learn from each other regardless of petty differences like religion technology stack
- We're big fans of open source software, as demonstrated in our free vote-based open source house ads and our yearly donations and even directly funding open source projects.
- All of our data is released to the community in perpetuity under Creative Commons
- We believe in regular moderator elections and community self-governance
I have to admit that I voted strongly against having both Unix/Linux and Ubuntu sites, but I deferred to the overall votes not to merge both inside and outside the company. We collectively said Fork It. It's clear now that given the strength and self-identification of the Ubuntu community, they are the exception that proves the rule.
Honestly, we get approached a lot for partnerships like this, but they don't usually go anywhere because we require ceding so much control back to the community. It is rare indeed to find such a complimentary relationship -- and we hope this one is beneficial to Ubuntu, our network, and the internet community at large.
But, as always, you be the judge. Be part of the community that governs the site: