
Stack Exchange API 1.1 and Improved App Gallery

We just rolled out version 1.1 of the Stack Exchange API. To see what's new, browse the revised documentation at:


Rebecca took an informal survey of the API developer community at Stack Apps, and determined that what everyone wanted most (beyond v2 of the API, yes, I know) was an improved application gallery. So we've made the default page on the site the application gallery, and spruced it up to be more visually friendly to average users.

This should make it easier for Stack Exchange users to find your app and start using it!

Do bear in mind that we heavily promote stackapps.com both with house ads, and in the footer of every Stack Exchange site we launch. So developers, we have your back. If you build on our API, we will continue to fully support you in every way we can!

So browse our new, improved app gallery and check out our latest API additions. Even better, start building your own totally awesome apps with the Stack Exchange API! To make sure your app looks its best in the stackapps.com app gallery, be sure to follow the directions on How to List Your Application, Library, or Wrapper Here.

Login with your stackoverflow.com account to take part in the discussion.