Our community team has been growing by leaps and bounds:
- Robert Cartaino -- Palm Bay FL -- Apr 19, 2010
- Rebecca Chernoff -- St. Louis MO -- Jan 4, 2011
- Dori Smith -- Healdsburg CA -- Feb 25, 2011
We're serious about building community -- and that means having a full time team dedicated to you. The community team's role is to participate deeply on our network of Q&A; sites and help figure out, with the assistance of the community, ways to for us to serve our community better -- in whatever form that takes.
I'm pleased to announce that, under the leadership of Robert Cartaino, we're adding a fourth member to the community team: Josh Heyer, aka Shog9, from Colorado.

Josh will be an adjunct community coordinator working part time with the rest of the community team.
Josh is as old school as it gets; his Stack Overflow user id is 3 digits. I think it's fair to say he's been here from the absolute beginning -- not just on Stack Overflow, but on UserVoice (our first meta system), through the birth of the original trilogy, and beyond. Josh is an avid student of online community too, and he's grown with us as we've figured this stuff out.
I'm continually amazed how many smart people we have in our network who grok our mission of high signal Q&A; that makes the internet better, and are willing to volunteer their effort and insights to help us get there. I wish I could hire all of you. But until that time comes, Mr. Heyer will have to do.