- careers
In our continuing effort to allow awesome developers to demonstrate their …awesomeness… we’ve added the ability to include your GitHub projects on your Careers 2.0 profile.
The feature is inspired by a sentiment widely shared among developers and employers: show me. As John Resig put it:

The process is easy. Head over to your Careers 2.0 profile, and look for the cute little GitHub guy:

…and two clicks later, your GitHub awesome becomes part of your Careers 2.0 awesome – complete with language tags and time span. We give you the opportunity to explain your work, too.

Careers 2.0 profiles are invitation-only. You might get an invitation based on your activity on Stack Overflow, or through a peer who has been granted some invites of their own.
If you have some good work on GitHub, but haven’t gotten an invitation from us, just drop us a note at careers+github@stackoverflow.com or tweet us @StackCareers with a hashtag of #github. We’ll check it out!