Thanks to everyone who attended a Stack Overflow MeetUp! We had over 2,000 people sign up. Reading the tweets (#SOMeetup) in chronological order was a bit like New Year’s Eve, with each time zone’s MeetUps beginning one after the other.
While not every MeetUp had tons of people, it seemed like everyone had a great time! Updates and pictures have been posted so far on Twitter and Flickr. If you have any pictures or quick stories to share from your MeetUp that you haven’t posted yet, post ‘em (and don't forget the #SOMeetup hashtag)! Here’s a sampling of the ones so far:
Sydney, Australia:

Bangkok, Thailand:

Kozhikode, India:

Washington DC, USA:

New York City, New York, USA:

Chicago, Illinois, USA:

Seattle, Washington, USA:


Mountain View, California, USA:

This was very much an experiment for us, and I think it went great. A couple of communities have gone in and set up another MeetUp for next month. That’s awesome! We have seen interest in doing MeetUps again, and we’d love your feedback on how we can improve. Does an annual MeetUp make sense? Let us know in the comments or in a Meta Stack Overflow post what you’d like to see happen.
Thanks for helping us make this event such a great success!