The holiday season is upon us, and as another year comes to an end, it is Stack Overflow Annual User Survey time again! So, take a break from wrapping gifts and come tell us about yourself. We promise it will only take a few minutes of your time.
Of course, as the “annual” implies, we’ve been running a survey for a few years now, including last year's survey which marked the first time the anonymous data was formally used in support of selling advertising on Stack Overflow and Server Fault. This data is an important part of keeping the lights on around here, and, as a user of either of those two sites, or any Stack Exchange site for that matter, we ask you to participate.
For the fine comrades who continue to support us, you’ll find that this year’s survey is similar to last year’s, but with some important updates made to the technology references and a few items of particular interest to users looking at the data. For example, upon several suggestions we’ve added a question measuring reputation for those respondents with an account, using ranges, to make sure things stay anonymous. Also, with developers in high demand, we’ve added a few questions related to our Stack Overflow Careers service and even one shameless plug for Stack Overflow users who have not yet created a programmer profile.

As in previous years, we are promoting the survey via banner ads like the above on Stack Overflow and of course right here with this blog post. The survey will be open until we get to enough responses to be deemed statistically significant, which will probably take about 3,500 responses, but of course the more the merrier. Finally, we will be sharing the results in a blog post, and giving you the opportunity to sign up at the end of the survey to receive a copy of the final results via email. So, please take the survey now, and bask in the simple pleasure of checking one more item off your holiday shopping list.