In case you couldn't tell, we’re very excited about our new office opening in Denver. And though it’s very tempting to just relax on our new roof deck or over a game of pool, we think something this big calls for an even bigger bash.
And we’d like you to be there.
Stack Exchange is you, the dedicated and brilliant folk who've worked to build these sites for the past four years. You've made this miracle happen, and if you’re in (or can get to) the greater Denver area, we’d love to meet you face to face.
But wait, there's more! Stop by and get…
- A tour of our Stack Exchange Denver hub—roof deck included!
- Snacks and delicious treats from our favorite Denver caterer
- Free drinks and Stack Exchange swag
- A chance to meet Joel Spolsky and some of our devs and sales reps
We're planning this shindig for the evening of September 27th, so RSVP today.
We hope to see you there!