Berlin, wir kommen! It’s our last party of the year, and this time, we’re heading to Germany to meet and mingle with the Stack Overflow community! As you may have noticed, we’ve been tearing up Denver this year with our opening reception of our new office and then again during Denver Startup Week last month. So we thought it was about time to bring the party to Europe. If you’re in or around Berlin on Dec. 5 (or just want to book a last-minute trip), come clink glasses with us at Betahaus (Prinzessinnenstraße 19-20) from 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. While there, we’ll also be launching our first official translation of Careers 2.0 for German candidates and employers. Join us for a fun night where you can…
- Meet other Stack Overflow users and pick the brains of our awesome developers
- Sit in on educational talks and demonstrations from our devs as they discuss how they localized Careers 2.0 for a German audience (you can check out a preview at
- Enjoy free food and drinks all night
- Rock out to tunes provided by SoundCloud’s DJs
Hope to see you there! Let us know you're coming - RSVP by December 1