In December, we launched our 3rd annual Stack Overflow Annual User Survey to learn more about our site demographics and user trends throughout 2012. Compared to last year, we received an even larger sample size this year with almost 10,000 respondents! Here are a few larger trends we’ve observed over the past three years: You like us…you really like us! Since 2009, site traffic to Stack Overflow has grown by a whopping 261.7%! As if this weren't enough, we’re also now the 86th largest global site, according to Alexa. Our crazy goal of breaking into the top 50 is looking less crazy! Mobile is on the move. No real surprise here, but of the mobile family, the number of users who own Android devices increased 29.2% from 2010 to 2012—a bigger increase than owners of iPhones and iPads combined. Despite the rising mobile trend, we were surprised to learn that only 7.7% of you are employed as mobile apps developers and 51.8% of companies still don’t have a mobile app. You’re getting happier at work. Since 2010, we’ve seen a 2.2% uptick in workplace satisfaction, so 70% of you are happy in your current jobs. We’re not going to point fingers or anything, but we hope there may be some causation for those of you who found your current job from among the 10,000+ roles that were posted on Careers 2.0 last year. In our effort to make all information publicly available, here is a basic report of the results or if you'd prefer to play around with the data yourself, download the survey results.
2013 Stack Overflow User Survey Results