
Welcome Tim Post, our latest Community Manager

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Community management at Stack Exchange is an... _Interesting _job. Parts sociologist, cat-wrangler, therapist, software analyst and cheerleader, this small band of dedicated people work daily to make sure each individual community has the tools and support you need to be as awesome as you are. Of course, we don't do it alone: from the very start, Stack Exchange attracted some amazingly helpful and insightful folk who've donated their time and effort to help out - and I'm pleased to announce that we're adding one of them, Tim Post, to our full-time staff of Community Managers.

Tim comes from a systems programming background, starting out way back in the dial-up BBS days. He's been working with and managing communities of various sizes ever since, and describes finding Stack Overflow back in the winter of '08 like "getting stuck in a huge spiderweb". His fascination with the system itself (both the software and the game-like aspect that drives so much participation here) led him to become a moderator, first on Webmasters then on Stack Overflow in the spring of '11. Since then, he's been a constant help and guide to the many folks using Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange. When he's not working, Tim still enjoys programming (nowadays simply to satisfy his whims), photography, DIY projects and tinkering with whatever he can get his hands on. He resides in the Philippines, thus extending the reach of our global team into the west Pacific. Tim's been working with us on a trial basis for a little while now, and enjoyed our motley crew enough to sign on full-time. You'll be seeing a lot more of him in the coming months, so please give him a warm welcome when he drops in on your site. Think you have what it takes to manage the communities on Stack Exchange? We're hiring community managers, and if you're not near our NYC HQ, that's okay - we love remote workers. You get to work with awesome people like Tim and help us guide Stack Exchange as it grows. (And on the off-chance you're fluent in Portuguese, you should definitely apply - we have a special project for you...)

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