Every year we ask our users to tell us a little about themselves. This year we asked our users to tell us a lot.
For 2 weeks in February 2015, we ran a 45 question survey. We asked where you live, what programming languages & frameworks you use, how much money you make, how much coffee you drink, and whether you prefer tabs or spaces when writing code. More than 26,000 of you responded, making this year's survey quite possibly the most authoritative developer survey ever conducted.
A few findings:
- Only 48% of you have a degree in computer science.
- You spend, on average, more than 7 hours every week coding on the side.
- You use JavaScript. You love Swift. And you want to code in Node.
- You overwhelmingly like your jobs (especially if you live in Iran).
- Your Stack Overflow rep is a strong indicator of how much money you make.
- And you prefer tabs to spaces at a ratio of 4:3.
This is just a start. Check out the full results.

Massive thanks to everyone who shared information about themselves. There's a huge benefit in being able to see who your peers are and what they're interested in, and we hope this survey is as interesting to all of you as it is to us.
For those of you who want to dive into the data yourselves, we'll be releasing a full dump of all line-by-line responses within the next couple weeks.
And if you took the survey and counted M&Ms, or if you're just curious about how well devs can estimate packing density (spoiler: not very well), see how many M&Ms were in the jar.
Have ideas for what we should ask next year? Let us know in the comments.