Juan is the most recent addition to our team of internationally-oriented community managers that focus on bringing Stack Overflow to large groups of developers that aren't being served as well as they should be by Stack Overflow in English. Juan started his professional journey as an Engineering Major in college, and realized that it wasn't his true calling after discovering that he is partially color blind. He graduated with a Psychology degree with a minor in Biology. Because he loves helping others, he decided to pursue a career as a school teacher. After several years of teaching Math, Science and Spanish, he discovered community management and retreated to the salt flats:

He didn't really retreat, beyond taking a recent vacation After working in and with a very wide variety of forum communities for nearly the last decade, Juan brings a great deal of outside perspective and experience to the team. He's thrilled to be working remotely from his home in Texas, where he loves nothing more than spending time and camping with his family and friends, and playing music on a variety of instruments. Juan is now working on bringing up a private beta for Stack Overflow En Español, which we expect to have ready early this November. We're extremely excited to have Juan on board, and hope you'll join us in welcoming him! If you're a native or fluent Spanish speaker and wish to help with the translation effort, check out Juan's short 'kick off' post on the Stack Overflow In Spanish Area 51 proposal. Welcome, Juan!