Welcome to The Stack Overflow Podcast, recorded September 20 at our headquarters in NYC. This week’s episode is brought to you by adorable otters, who hold hands at night so they don’t float away from each other. The episode is also brought to you by Compose, an IBM company. Compose is a production-ready, cloud hosted platform for building enterprise applications on open source database technologies. Before you listen, please note that this is episode #88, not to be confused with what should have been episode #73 since we last left off at episode #72. That episode was for The Stack Exchange Podcast, and this is The Stack Overflow Podcast. Confused? You’re literally the only one who is. Bury your feelings of embarrassment and don’t let anyone know. This week, our usual hosts Joel, Jay and David are joined by Documentation team lead Kevin Montrose and product creative director Kurtis Beavers to talk about all the updates to Stack Overflow Documentation including the REPOCALYPSE (i.e. reputation apocalypse). Also joining this week is Ilana Yitzhaki, the show’s new News Editor. A big change to pay close attention to: We’re writing the Stack Overflow Constitution, and we’re asking you, our listeners, to vote on the various elements of this new pivotal document. This week’s extremely important amendment says that one must put pants on before socks and NOT socks before pants. Listen to the podcast to hear the pros and cons of this amendment, then head to Twitter and submit your vote - with commentary - using the hashtag #StackOverflowPodcast. Also be sure to listen if you want to hear the gang talk about, but not in, Esperanto (or you could check out the new Stack Exchange Esperanto site instead). By listening to this week’s show, you’ll learn what you should never say to a designer as well as what flight simulators have to do with Excel. You’ll also find out what the gang would do if they had access to a time machine (spoiler: They really, really need to revisit their priorities here). Finally, in a great show of kindness, Jay compliments David on his correct use of the phrase “for which.”
Podcast #88 - All About Documentation, Mostly