Welcome (back!) to The Stack Overflow Podcast recorded Thursday, September 14 at Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. Joining us today are the usual crew: VP of Stack Overflow Jay Hanlon, CTO David Fullerton, News Editor Ilana Yitzhaki, and me, producer Jess Pardue. Special guest today is Stack Overflow Podcast producer alum, bow-tie enthusiast, and Director of Community Abby Mars. Today's episode is brought to you by Oracle. Stack Overflow appreciates Oracle's support for this podcast and for our community. Learn more about all the ways Oracle supports open source, java, and developers like you at oracle.com/developers. Today, behold the majesty of:
- Stack Overflow reads mean tweets! In this first installment of a special multi-episode discussion, we get called "assholes" a lot. We try to delve into why that is and what we are planning to do about it.
- One-Minute Tech Review: Florida-Man David Fullerton is very thankful for hurricane shutters. (Well, ones that fit anyway…)
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David's mismatched shutters ^^[/caption]
- In the News: A new study shows that banning hateful and racist subreddits decreased the overall use of hate speech across Reddit, and hold on a sec, the iPhone X does what with your face?
As long-time listeners know, we are preparing a constitution for Stack Overflow where each week we bring you a proposal, and you, our listeners, decide on whether that proposal becomes a part of our new constitution. This week's questions is: "Is an OS background process ("D-A-E-M-O-N") pronounced "demon" or "damon"?" Post your answer to twitter using the Hashtag #stackoverflowpodcast, with either PRO (if you pronounce it "DEE-mon") or CON (if you pronounce it "DAY-mon") along with your short but hilarious explanation, just like Matt Damon! The best explanation, whether on the winning side or the losing side, will be read on next week's podcast and win a STACK OVERFLOW STICKER, courtesy of us! Last week's winner is @daegemynd: https://twitter.com/daegemynd/status/892839196720676865 Thanks, Nat Knight; you get some stickers. Thanks for listening. We'll be back next week. Links for the lazy:
- Thanks again Oracle! See what they can do for you at https://developer.oracle.com/.
- Need hurricane shutters? We got you.
- GenCon was amazing and everyone should go.
- News: New Reddit studies on banned subreddits, and info on the iPhone X security.
- Don't forget to tell someone that they're awesome!