
The Overflow #45: What we call CI/CD is actually only CI.

Welcome to ISSUE #45 of the Overflow! This week: why the meaning of 60Hz depends on whether you are a monitor or a lightbulb, how the community team smashed 631 tickets in just two weeks, and why what we call CI/CD is actually only CI.

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Welcome to ISSUE #45 of the Overflow! This newsletter is by developers, for developers, written and curated by the Stack Overflow team and Cassidy Williams at Netlify. This week: why the meaning of 60Hz depends on whether you are a monitor or a lightbulb, how the community team smashed 631 tickets in just two weeks, and why what we call CI/CD is actually only CI.

From the blog

The Loop: Our community roadmap for Q4 2020 stackoverflow.blog We review our ticket smash event, lay out our roadmap for Q4, and talk about what we’ve been learning from our moderators.

How to communicate more deliberately and efficiently when working remotely stackoverflow.blog When you already know your co-workers and how they approach work, that is fine as they probably haven’t changed all that much since the start of the pandemic. You cannot safely transfer those assumptions to new team members, however, as people remain people, rather than the microservices that they may seem over the internet.

Podcast 279: Make my Kubernetes work like it’s 1999 stackoverflow.blog We sit down with Kelsey Highertower, a principal engineer at Google, to discuss all the things people don’t get about containers, microservices, and configuration management.

Identify, analyze, action! Deep monitoring with CI. promotion Learn about the role of monitoring in CI and how to take advantage of insights at GitLab’s CI/CD Pipeline webcast. Watch on-demand now.

Interesting questions

Is it the correct practice to keep more than 10 years old spaghetti legacy code untouched without refactoring at all in big product development? softwareengineering.stackexchange.com Correct practice? Probably not. Standard practice in a lot of legacy codebases? Sadly, yes.

Distinction between scientific and business computing retrocomputing.stackexchange.com One made knowledge, the other made money?

Why does 60 Hz mean 60 refreshes and not 120? electronics.stackexchange.com Why does the meaning of 60Hz depend on whether you are a monitor or a lightbulb?

What impact will the de-orbiting of thousands of satellites have on the atmosphere? space.stackexchange.com We’ve got an idea for a great scene in the next James Bond movie.

Links from around the web

Meet face ID and touch ID for the web webkit.org Apple is bringing Face ID and Touch ID mechanisms to the web with Web Authentication API, which could prove to be super useful for multi-factor authentication.

React v17.0 reactjs.org React 17 is here, for real! This is the first major release in over 2 years, and there’s no new major features. It’s a release designed to make upgrades in the future easier, with some subtle, nice updates in the meantime.

Let’s stop fooling ourselves. What we call CI/CD is actually only CI. dev.to What started as a tweet turned into a broad discussion resulting in this post, which itself kicked off more conversation. Do you really use both CI and CD in your projects?

Please stop using CDNs for external Javascript libraries shkspr.mobi Using CDNs to host your JavaScript libraries is common and appears to be beneficial, but this article shows there are real risks and questionable performance when you do.

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