
The Overflow #46: What does it mean to be a product-led company

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Welcome to ISSUE #46 of the Overflow! This newsletter is by developers, for developers, written and curated by the Stack Overflow team and Cassidy Williams at Netlify. This week: Our CEO looks back on his first year at Stack Overflow, spiders teach us some math, and the release of React App 4.0. Enjoy!

From the blog

Communities and Connections will power our growth in 2021 stackoverflow.blog Our CEO looks back on his first 12 months at Stack Overflow and shares his thoughts on what we’re planning for the future.

Making the most of a one-on-one with your manager stackoverflow.blog As many offices go fully remote, learning how to approach key meetings with your manager can pay big dividends.

Podcast 280: How should tech titans act when productizing tiny open source projects? stackoverflow.blog You don’t get to pick and choose who turns your OS code into something commercial.

The MongoDB Developer Blueprint promotion From document schema design to application development trends, this five-part series has everything you need to get your next project humming.

Interesting questions

Should I seek professional help because I have a lot of math books? academia.stackexchange.com Please consult a librarian at your earliest convenience.

What benefit do we get by thinking of objects as “sending messages to each other”? softwareengineering.stackexchange.com As with all questions related to OOP, the answer involves some strong and contrasting opinions.

Why is the range of a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot shorter than that of a router? superuser.com Maybe routers are just better listeners.

What are good mathematical models for spider webs? mathoverflow.net Arachnophobia Alert! Spiders can be scary, but their web building skills reveal some amazing math.

Links from around the web

Create React App 4.0 is a major release with several new features, including support for Fast Refresh! github.com It’s finally here! The last major release of create-react-app was well over a year ago, and now we get all of the goodies that come with React 17, React Fast Refresh, TypeScript 4 support, and more.

Clamp utopia.fyi Have you used clamp() in your CSS before? It’s been around for a bit but it’s not very well known. Here’s a great post on how to use it to create fluid typographic scales.

When is no-code useful? linus.coffee “No Code” tools aren’t new, but they are seeing another resurgence, and no, they aren’t going to eliminate your job. Here’s a good look at when they’re useful and why “Yes Code” is here to stay.

If not SPAs, What? macwright.com Single Page Applications were all the rage for several years, but they’re losing their momentum as developers remember the value of separation of concerns.

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