
Hat season is on its way! Join us for Winter Bash 2020

2020 was not an easy year for anyone in the world. As we do with someone who has overstayed their welcome at a party, let's signal that it's time for 2020 to leave... by wearing hats!

Article hero image

2020 was not an easy year for anyone in the world. As we do with someone who has overstayed their welcome at a party, let's signal that it's time for 2020 to leave... by wearing hats!

Winter Bash 2020 Image

Over the last couple of months, we have sewed new, fashionable hats to warm you up this winter (or keep you in the shade, if you're in the southern hemisphere). We've hidden some of the hats in the most unexpected places, so be creative and look in all directions if you want to get these secret treasures. And if you're alert, you may stumble upon a way to run fast and jump for joy.

How can you participate? Simply ask your best questions, post insightful answers, vote on others’ posts, and make other useful contributions to the community knowledge base on your most beloved topics. When you complete a challenge, the system will grant a hat that you can arrange on your avatar and wear all around the network. Hat season starts now (December 16, 2020 at midnight UTC) and ends on January 4, 2021 (at 11:59 UTC).

Winter Bash 101

  1. Be active on Stack Exchange sites to unlock fun hats and accessories you can wear on your avatar.
Snowflake icon
  1. Once you complete a challenge, a hat will appear on your profile.
A hat in the menu
  1. Click on the hat to go to your wardrobe.
Hat list menu
  1. Select the hat that you want to wear, customize it to fit your avatar, and start showing it off around the sites.
Resizing tools

If you want to learn more about Winter Bash, please visit the FAQ page.

Even though Winter Bash is our annual opportunity to relax and have some fun around the network, we know that not everyone likes parties. We are respectful of those who prefer to keep their Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange experience professional. As always, you can opt out of Winter Bash by choosing “No hats for me, please” from the snowflake menu in the topbar.

As for the rest, we wish you the best of luck in your hat adventure!

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