
Podcast 362: Exploring the cutting edge of privacy and encryption with Very Good Security

We dig into discrete mathematics, differential privacy, and homomorphic encryption.

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We chat with Mahmoud Abdelkader, CEO and co-founder of Very Good Security. VGS is a data security platform that changes the way sensitive data is held by eliminating the need for customers to hold their own data. Abdelkader is also previously known for being CTO and co-founder of Balanced Payments, which was a payments platform that enabled peer-to-peer marketplace businesses to thrive. It was acquired by Stripe in 2015.

Episode Notes

We chat discrete mathematics, differential privacy, and homomorphic encryption. But don't worry, we also break it down in laymen's terms.

Interested in working in security? Mahmoud will personally extend an offer to anyone who solves this puzzle.

Puzzles not your thing? You can still learn more about Very Good Security and its open positions here.

Mahmoud is on Twitter here.


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