
The problem with the tech debt mindset

Ryan chats with Jon Bevan, a software engineer currently building the cloud version of Scriptrunner, an Atlassian app, about the concept of tech debt. They explore how tech debt can arise from outdated technology choices, shortcuts, and the need for maintenance work. They also delve into the challenges of upgrading dependencies and the potential scope creep of requirements and features over time.

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Credit: Alexandra Francis

Chelsea Troy defines technical debt and maintenance load in her blog post, “Stop saying ‘technical debt.’”

Learn more about technical bankruptcy in this blog post, “Monitoring debt builds up faster than software teams can pay it off.”

Joel Spolsky’s classic blog post on avoiding rewriting code from scratch: Things you should never do, part I.

Technical debt as explained by Ward Cunningham, who coined the term.

Code as an asset, a conversation from Hacker News.

Middleware is the “software glue” that provides services to applications beyond those available from the operating system.

Ratpack framework is a toolkit for creating high performance web applications.

Questions about functional programming.

User shout out! Nikoksr received the Lifeboat badge for their answer to How to use Math.Pow with integers in Go.


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