
Issue #192: Ask your data better questions

Welcome to ISSUE #192 of The Overflow! This newsletter is by developers, for developers, written and curated by the Stack Overflow team and Cassidy Williams. This week: sign up to get access to the new Stack Overflow search, future-proof proof that you're from the future, and fall in love with hard work.

From the blog

Early access to OverflowAI Search

Sign up to be part of alpha testing and help shape the future of OverflowAI Search.

Making event-driven development predictable with Discover

How event-driven architecture and domain-driven design work together to support financial services.

Want better answers from your data? Ask better questions (Ep. 599)

Tim Tutt, CEO and cofounder of Night Shift Development, tells the home team about his work deploying large-scale search and discovery analytics, why he’s working to help nontechnical users understand and utilize their business data, and how GenAI is teaching people to ask better questions.

Cut development time with Storyblok’s headless CMS

Storyblok is an API first CMS featuring: Reusable components to create once and repurpose everywhere A visual editor that lets you preview changes before publishing An SDK ecosystem built to achieve the best DX possible

Interesting questions

My advisor stopped formalizing my work, what should I do now?

Time to take the training wheels off.

How do you prove you're from the future?

"Chuck, it's Marvin. Your cousin, Marvin Berry. You know that new sound you're looking for? Well, listen to this!"

How can I handle too many expectations at a job I recently joined?

“No matter how much experience you have, a new project is a new project and bootstrapping takes time.”

How do vector databases work (for the lay-coder)?

Start by considering the old-school vector database: a map.

Links from around the web

What is alt text?

Image descriptions are important, but some are worth celebrating!

An overview of CSS sizing units

If you've ever wondered about the difference between `em` and `rem` and `px` and all the others, this one's for the bookmarks.

A guide to designing and shipping AI developer tools

If you want to build the next big AI tool, here are some things to keep in mind.

The War of Art: How to fall in love with hard work

If you want to follow your dreams, as cheesy as it sounds, you have to put in the work.

Spending hours searching for answers at work? Find them faster in Stack Overflow for Teams. Get it free!