
Issue 243: Battling ticket bots

Welcome to ISSUE #243 of The Overflow! This newsletter is by developers, for developers, written and curated by the Stack Overflow team and Cassidy Williams. This week: Decoding the decoder-only transformer architecture, why external contractors probably shouldn’t manage internal teams, and speeding up your webpage before it even loads.

From the blog

LLMs evolve quickly. Their underlying architecture, not so much.

The decoder-only transformer architecture is one of the most fundamental ideas in AI research.

Ryan Dahl explains why Deno had to evolve with version 2.0

On today’s episode, we chat with Ryan Dahl, creator of Node.js and Deno. He explains why he feels the first version of Deno has reached certain limits and what he and his team are doing with Deno 2.0 to scale up the module system and ensure it's a great tool for the modern web.

Battling ticket bots and untangling taxes at the frontiers of e-commerce

On today's episode we chat with Ilya Grigorik, a Distinguished Engineer and Technical Advisor to the CEO at Shopify. From battling hordes of bots trying to scalp seats before humans can get their hands on concert tickets, to automatically handling relevant tax codes and regulations across countries and states so small merchants can focus on their business, Ilya shares some of the projects he enjoys most and the challenges that make e-commerce interesting for software developers.

More players, fewer limits with Unity 6

Reach more players with fewer sacrifices using Unity 6’s enhanced rendering performance, optimized mobile browser builds, and faster multiplayer iteration.

Interesting questions

How common is it for external contractors to manage internal teams, and how can we navigate this situation?

“Utter chaos.”

Is there a way to say "wink wink" or "nudge nudge" in German?

Anyone looking for a new band name?

How soon to fire rude and chaotic PhD student?

Make your expectations clear, but give them a chance to show improvement.

What prevents applications from misusing private keys?

“As soon as an application can read sensitive data, there’s a risk of misuse.”

Links from around the web

The one hour our per year bug (but only in Pacific time!)

Google Docs encountered a weird bug back in 2021. This is a fun read about what happened.

How to make your web page faster before it even loads

Some solid tips and tricks to speed up your web applications.

Regexes got good: The history and future of regular expressions In JavaScript

Regular expressions may seem like gibberish at times, but they’re powerful and getting better all the time.

Ethernet history deepdive

Everything you didn’t know you wanted to know about the history of Ethernet.

Onboard, organize, and bring your team up to speed in a jiffy. Try Stack Overflow for Teams.