
Issue 244: Where does Postgres fit post-AI?

Welcome to ISSUE #244 of The Overflow! This newsletter is by developers, for developers, written and curated by the Stack Overflow team and Cassidy Williams. This week: Making LLMs’ default architecture more effective, identifying a mystery pipe, and one of the largest technical migrations in history.

From the blog

Making LLMs’ default architecture more effective

An AI expert explains how recent changes have made the decoder-only transformer architecture more effective.

Where does Postgres fit in a world of GenAI and vector databases?

Today we chat with Avthar Sewrathan, AI Lead at Timescale, about adapting developers’ favorite database management system, Postgres, to support a range of new technologies involved in the GenAI ecosystem, especially vector databases. Avthar details his long history with Postgres and how clients are weighing the build vs. buy question when it comes to choosing a database to support their newly minted GenAI initiatives.

From PHP to JavaScript to Kubernetes: how one backend engineer evolved over time

On today’s episode, we chat with a listener, Geshan Manandhar, who has been working in the world of software engineering for two decades. He started programming in Kathmandu during the days of dial-up. Since then he’s worked across three continents and today is a senior software engineer at Simply Wall Street. He gives his advice on how developers can change with the times and what it’s like to move into the era of serverless containers.

Slow software delivery? Speed it up with monday dev

monday dev helps R&D teams speed up their software development lifecycle, all on one platform. Sprints, bugs, product roadmaps, and more – plus integrations with the tools they already use like Jira, Github, Gitlab, and Slack. Try monday dev for free.

Interesting questions

When was this photo taken?

“The logo on the gas station gives us a slightly later start date than the Coke ad requires.”

Can light become a satellite of a black hole?

"No, light cannot form stable, bound orbits around a black hole."

How do I safely remove a mystery cast iron pipe in my basement?

“Your house was probably fitted for coal gas when it was built.”

Is it safe to carry Butane canisters bought at sea level up to 5500m?

Safety third!

Links from around the web

blocking=render: Why would you do that?!

You typically don't want to block rendering for your users. Here's why.

The slow evaporation of the free/open source surplus

Free and open-source software relies on the goodwill of thousands of (often unpaid) developers, daily.

Tumblr to move its half a billion blogs to WordPress

In one of the largest technical migrations in history, half a billion blogs will be converted to Wordpress.

Ultra high-resolution image of The Night Watch

How are ultra high-resolution images—we're talking terabyte-level images—made?

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