We launched Stack Overflow Careers with the goal of fixing how companies hire developers. Traditional resumes only tell half the story, so we created Careers 2.0 Profiles to fill in the gaps. A few months ago, we released Company Pages with the goal of reinventing the traditional job listing the same way we reinvented the resume. Today, we’re excited to announce a new way to advertise your company to developers with Company Page Ads.

What are Company Pages?
Company Pages (here’s ours) were created to give developers a better picture of what it’s like to work as a developer at a company. They focus on the obvious questions that every developer asks before taking a job:
- Who are you and what do you do?
- What’s your technology stack?
- Who will I be working with?
- How well do you treat your developers?
Since we launched the feature three months ago, over 800 companies have created Company Pages on Careers. We knew we had struck a real need that companies understood, and found a new way for them to connect with developers.

Advertise Your Company Page
After we introduced company pages, we started getting requests for some way to show off those company pages to developers. We’ve had job listings on Stack Overflow for a long time, but we wanted a new way for companies to advertise the company itself: their benefits, their developers, and their job listings. So today we’re proud to announce Company Page Ads, a new way for companies to find top developers on Stack Overflow. Company Page Ads come in three flavors that focus on your company:
- Open jobs
- Benefits
- Who you’ll work with

These ads show up in the same places ads have always shown up on Stack Overflow -- they don’t add anything new to the page. The difference is in their focus on a single company, and on the things that matter to developers. When you click one, you’ll be taken to the Company Page where you can learn more about the company and see what jobs they have open. Company Page ads come in two packages that each run for 30 days. The $1000 standard package includes all three sidebar ads. The $2500 premium package includes both sidebar and banner ads that will run at the same time, giving the company full run of the page with no competition from other advertisers or companies. The Company Pages themselves remain free -- if your company doesn’t have one yet, you can create one right now and start using it to tell developers who you are and what you’re all about. If you decide you want to, you can purchase the Company Page Ads at any time through the website. And, as always, all of our products come with a 90-day money-back guarantee.
The Big Picture
We think Company Pages will fundamentally change the way developers look for jobs. Finding the right company, with the right culture and the right people, is the most important part to finding a great job. Over the next few months, we plan to add more features to let you search and filter companies to find the perfect match, and even more information for companies to fill out on their pages to tell you what you need to know. So stay tuned, and in the meantime check out the list of Company Pages on Careers. If you don’t have a Careers 2.0 profile yet, request an invitation today. And if your company is looking to hire their next great developer, tell them to try creating a Company Page on Careers.