Starting today, you can download the raw data from Stack Overflow’s 2017 Developer Survey, which received more than 64,000 responses from developers around the world. (The data file includes the 51,392 responses we considered to be sufficiently complete for publication.) You can download previous years’ results as well, from 2011 to 2016. We’re always excited to share our insights about developers from the survey — such as the finding that developers who use spaces make more money than those who use tabs — and we’re eager (and curious) to see what you come up with in your own analysis. Using the raw data, you’ll be able to answer questions about developers’ careers, how they learn, which tools they’re using, and what they want. Want more data to play with? If you want to see data related to our Stack Exchange sites, check out the Stack Exchange Data Explorer, and if you want to see how different technologies have grown and declined over time, head to Stack Overflow Trends. You can also compare our data with other sets on Google Big Query. If you find something particularly interesting in your analysis of our data, let us know on Meta using the [survey-2017] tag. If you use it in an academic paper, we’d love to add it to our collection. Happy data diving!
Download Stack Overflow’s 2017 Developer Survey Data