
Announcing: Support for GitHub Authentication in Stack Overflow

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We are always looking for ways to make it easier to be a part of the Stack Overflow community. One of the ways we make things easy is by offering the option to log in via other services, like Google or Facebook. As of today, we’re adding another option to log in - GitHub!

What this means to you is that you can now sign in to Stack Overflow by choosing GitHub when logging in, just like you can do now with Google or Facebook.

Speaking as one of the developers who helped build this, I’m excited to bring this feature to our community especially because it’s been a longstanding request from our users. It just makes sense. And as a developer, I’m constantly on GitHub and Stack Overflow. It’s like chocolate and peanut butter. Or mechanical keyboards and three monitors. Our job is to make developers’ jobs easier and having a single way to log in to both Stack Overflow and GitHub is a small step towards that goal.

If you have any problems, you can contact our Help Center for support.

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