We had a ton of people participate in Winter Bash this year with 266,000 hats awarded throughout the network. Thank you, everyone! We couldn’t have done it without you.
There were 31 hats available this year (well, 32, but one had two versions so we’re saying 31) and no one collected ‘em all. The two users with the most hats across the network collected 30 each. You can check the leaderboard for a full site by site rundown or this round-up for the whole network.
You all shared some amazing pictures on the 2019 meta thread, and here are a few that brought us a smile.
Amy gave us some warm fuzzies with this:

Here’s Ankit Sharma showing off a hat that shouldn’t have been awarded at that time! I guess we have seen stranger things, right?

Kyla, the Mother of Unicorns:

Hat with the Wild West look:

We also saw some breathtaking knitting designs that are worthy of a special mention, like this:

by Eleeza the Character Wizard and this:

by Hitodama (among many others)!
Finally, here are a few more hat stats: the first hat awarded was Amazing Grace, and the most awarded hat was Amazing Grace which was awarded 85,423 times to 80,080 distinct users and the least awarded hat was Living in the Future, awarded only 19 times to 19 distinct users. Every hat was awarded at least once!
Thank you all for participating! Until next year!