September 2020
Welcome to ISSUE #37 of the Overflow! This newsletter is by developers, for developers, written and curated by the Stack Overflow team and Cassidy Williams at Netlify. Thrill to the veteran Stack Overflow engineer who walks like a noob! Gasp at the 2000-year-old temperature reading! Marvel at the GitHub README that writes itself!

From the blog
Kotlin 1.4 release includes some nice performance improvementsstackoverflow.blog JetBrains released Kotlin 1.4 to the programming community, which added some new language features but also put a strong focus on improving quality-of-life and performance, especially when paired with JetBrains’s own IntelliJ IDEA IDE.
Podcast 263: Turning our employees into Stack users stackoverflow.blog Which veteran developer has been masquerading as a brand new Stack Overflow user?
Webinar: Continuous quality and testing to accelerate application development with AWS promotion Join expert presenters from the DevOps Institute and AWS to learn about best practices for implementing continuous quality and testing across the development lifecycle using elastic cloud infrastructure. You’ll take away a maturity model you can use to self-assess and improve your current approach to quality and testing to get better apps to market faster. Register now.

Interesting questions
Found a good question or answer? Tweet us with the hashtag #StackOverflowKnows or email us at stackoverflowknows@stackoverflow.com. We’ll include our favorites in the future.
Best word to describe "software with a large size"?english.stackexchange.com Bloatware, memory hog, or Monolith - what do you call software that is the opposite of lightweight?
Cluster design: if I expect to insert data into several tables every week, is it a bad idea to cluster them? dba.stackexchange.com If you can do it with paper and pencil, you probably don't need a cluster.
How is it possible to measure temperature from 2000 years ago?earthscience.stackexchange.com Sans the technology used by Bill and Ted, you can't measure previous temperatures directly. You can measure the effects of those temperatures, though.
What's the principle of physics used in the lift of skateboard?physics.stackexchange.com Yes, technically you could do an Ollie in a vacuum, if you can hold your breath long enough.

Links from around the web
GitHub profile README generator ahuldkjain.github.io/ Still not sure what to put on your shiny new GitHub README? We love this fun generator project that'll get you set up!
A tale of webpage speed, or throwing away React solovyov.net Here's an interesting look at why a dev team moved away from React, and how their mobile users drove the change.
Use advanced typography with local fonts web.dev The new Local Font Access API lets you access the details of locally installed fonts that your users have. Check out how you can use it!
One bash command to start the day dev.to This is a clever idea on how to make a Python script to start your day with all of the links and software you might need to get going.
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