
The Overflow #42: Bugs vs. corruption

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Welcome to ISSUE #42 of the Overflow: Spooktober Edition! This newsletter is by developers, for developers, written and curated by the Stack Overflow team and Cassidy Williams at Netlify. This week: how we’re using our own products, the difference between bugs and corruption, and how Flash games changed the video game industry.

From the blog

How Stackers ditched the wiki and migrated to Articles stackoverflow.blog In an effort to rethink how documentation works, we recently introduced Articles, longer-form prose that can sit side by side with shorter Q&A. We sat down with team leads from across Stack to learn how this new features has changed their approach.

Podcast 273: Chris Anderson on drones, driverless cars, and creating communities around code stackoverflow.blog The key to growing an open source community? Code just good enough to work, but so bad everyone wants to fix it.

The secret sauce for data modeling with MongoDB promotion Join us to discover the secret sauce for data modeling with MongoDB’s flexible document model and learn through a practical demo the most important considerations when making decisions about your data model.

Interesting questions

I still don’t fully understand getters and setters softwareengineering.stackexchange.com Understand the ways of abstraction, and you will understand getters and setters.

Magic hash attack in JavaScript security.stackexchange.com Loose typing and a crazy == operator leave JavaScript vulnerable to type juggling.

Software bug vs. software corruption softwareengineering.stackexchange.com You can’t ALWAYS blame your developers for the latter.

How to reverse a string that contains complicated emojis? stackoverflow.com Did you know that there’s emoji math?

Links from around the web

Ramblings from Jessie: Battery Day blog.jessfraz.com We use batteries every single day, but rarely do they get the spotlight. This blog post changes that, giving beautifully in-depth details into the chemical reactions at play within batteries, different battery types, and more!

How Flash games shaped the video game industry www.flashgamehistory.com Folks often hate on Flash, but it really shaped the web and the video game industry for years. This is a love note to Flash, the creations made on it, and the history of its reign.

All About NGINX Configuration, HTTPS/SSL, HTTP2, Caching dev.to This is a useful post (and associated discussion) on how to properly set up NGINX and its core features.

Wikipedia is getting a new look for the first time in 10 years. Here’s why. diff.wikimedia.org Wikipedia is about to get a brand new look, which comes with daunting technical and design challenges. Here’s a first entry in a series on how it will be done.

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