
Vote for Stack Overflow in this year’s Webby Awards!

We’re honored to be nominated for a Webby Award again.

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It’s award season again and that means all the glitz and glamour you come to expect, all the stars in their fancy clothes, and tearful speeches. We’re ironing our finery too, since we’ve been nominated for a Webby this year in the Web Services & Applications category for Websites. This is the second year in a row we’ve been nominated—last year, we won the People’s Voice Award! You like us, you really like us!

I mean, we knew that. Our April Fool’s joke ended up showing us how much you all value the knowledge shared and reused on our site. Almost one in four visitors copied something from a question or answer, whether it was to use code in a project or correct something for a better answer. The web has always worked best when it is open and shareable, and we’re proud to be the source for knowledge shared among coders and technologists.

We’re honored to be nominated again. It shows just how valuable people find us. Last year, we were nominated in the Community category, so we’re looking to shine in a new category. Competition is stiff—we’re up against GIPHY. Words alone can’t express how we feel.

This is the 25th Webby Awards, which means they’ve been picking the best of the internet since the days before JavaScript and HTML 5—just look at 1997’s best film and TV website, IMDB.

Their slate of awards covers everything, from websites and apps to podcasts and games. The only qualification is that it has to appear on the internet. It’s the internet’s most prestigious award, beating out the badges and internet points we distribute by just a hair.

While the Webby is picked by the members of the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, the People’s Voice award is selected by you, surfers of the net, browsers of the web. You drove us to digital glory last year, and we’re hoping we can muster enough virtual muscle to get us the nod again. Head over to their site and vote for Stack Overflow as the best Web Service & Application. Just think, there might be people who have never heard of Stack Overflow. Help us win, and there will be a whole new audience who will copy and paste your code!

The votes will be tallied and presented live and virtually on Tuesday, May 18th, so don’t wait to vote. Then tune in for the stream—hosted by the talented Jameela Jamil—and see who the internet crowns as the people’s champion.

Login with your stackoverflow.com account to take part in the discussion.