
Podcast 343: Unpacking observability and OpenTelemetry with Spiros Xanthos of Splunk

As our applications move from local hardware to a sprawling array of clouds and containers, figuring out how they behave and what's gone wrong is key.

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We chat with Spiros Xanthos, VP of Product Management for Observability & IT Ops products at Splunk. Spiros has founded three companies, including OmnitionHQ, which was acquired by Splunk, ezhome, and Log Insight, which was acquired by VMware. We chat about how observabiilty has evolved over the years and the role it plays today in performance management, cybersecurity, and IT operations.

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Episode Notes

You can read more about Spiros on his LinkedIn or Twitter.

There is some good backstory on his first company, Log Insight, here. A rundown of the acquisition that led to Spiros joining Splunk is here. There are also some interesting details in Splunk's blog on the deal, which calls out Omnition as a "a stealth-mode SaaS company that is innovating in distributed tracing, improving monitoring across microservices applications."

If you enjoy the conversation and want to hear more, Spiros has done some interesting talks that are up on Youtube here.

Our lifeboat of the week goes to Willie Mentzel, who explains how to: Round Double to 1 decimal place in kotlin: from 0.044999 to 0.1.


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