
The Overflow #83: Steady paycheck or solo project?

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Welcome to ISSUE #83 of the Overflow! This newsletter is by developers, for developers, written and curated by the Stack Overflow team and Cassidy Williams at Netlify. This week: how to get started programming with Python, why crackpots show up in peer-reviewed journals, and when flashy animations trigger motion sickness.

From the blog

Learning from the real world: A hardware hobby project stackoverflow.blog If you think your software experience will let you build a hardware project easily, you might be a bit too ambitious. It’s very different from software.

Getting started with… Python stackoverflow.blog Here’s a collection of resources on how to get started using Python.

Podcast 357: Leaving your job to pursue an indie project as a solo developer stackoverflow.blog What would convince you to leave the safety of a steady paycheck to pursue your own adventure?

Developer Workshop: Infrastructure as Code promotion Join this workshop from AWS and the DevOps Institute to learn how to establish a successful Infrastructure as Code practice in AWS from expert presenters and hands-on labs.

Interesting questions

Why is SMS used as a way of verification for user mobile when it is not even encrypted in transit? security.stackexchange.com For regular shmoes logging into their streaming service, simple 2FA methods win out.

How to navigate an unfair compensation situation? workplace.stackexchange.com Step 1: Stop doing work for free.

How is it possible that [insert known crackpot] has articles published in peer-reviewed journals? academia.stackexchange.com One man’s crackpot is another’s towering authority in their field.

Why would patient management systems not assert limits for certain biometric data? softwareengineering.stackexchange.com Do you want to tell your doctor that they’re wrong? Neither does their software.

Links from around the web

Web designers grapple with downside to flashy animation: Motion sickness www.wsj.com Beautiful animations on websites are so fun to see and make, but it’s also important to take motion sickness into account.

The large, small, and dynamic viewports www.bram.us Viewports are changing on mobile, so you should be prepared for it!

React hook for managing GDPR cookie consent state. github.com If you have to work with user data, check out this React hook for managing GDPR cookie consent.

Redacted | Four Ton Fish fourtonfish.com This is a great browser extension for blotting out text before you take a screenshot. No more scribbling with your cursor!

Onboard, organize, and bring your team up to speed in a jiffy. Try Stack Overflow for Teams.

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