
Scaling front end design with a design system

If you're building the same UI components over and over, you might need a design system.

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Remember Twitter Bootstrap? I used the library to make my applications look visually appealing. Twitter Bootstrap is an open-source library to help speed up application development for front-end engineers. It’s an HTML/CSS/JS front-end framework that made creating consistent UI components easy. Today, many technology companies have developed their own version of Bootstrap which is called a design system. These are collections of reusable components guided by clear design standards to support application development. This allows businesses to differentiate their mobile and web applications from others while maintaining a visual look and feel across products. The evolution from Bootstrap to a design system was natural.

Have you ever noticed that two different products from the same company can have two entirely different user experiences? Design inconsistency can often come from two separate design teams not being in sync and building their own set of UIs independently.

That’s where a design system can help. The goal of a design system should be to enable developers and designers to create engaging product experiences by providing consistent user experience across all products. Technology companies such as Salesforce, Stack Overflow, and Microsoft publicly share their design system and their design principles.

Above all, a design system is just not a library of UI components, but documentation of the standards and guidelines, visual language, and support for accessibility, as well as information on how to get started implementing the system. Of course, this list is not exhaustive, but a complete design system doesn't stop at building a UI library.

Moreover, design systems benefit developers. As an engineer you can focus on solving technical problems or learn new technologies over building redundant user interfaces. If you are a front-end developer, you might be frustrated when asked to build the same UI components several times. With a design system, the component gets built once, and you implement it. Let's take a look at how a design system can help engineering teams scale.

Systems thinking for scale

Systems thinking is a set of principles that help an organization scale more efficiently by approaching problems through the entire system that they fit into. There are no hard rules, each organization should craft their principles and tie them back into their business goals. Design systems aim are a form of systems thinking that solve design challenges at scale. The mantra, "Design doesn't scale," was very common until design systems became common.

If an organization has a portfolio of products, and each team is building its own assets, coming up with color palette and page layouts, that is not good use of their time. Developers who build the same things over and over again have their valuable time taken away from solving core engineering problems. Designers who are busy creating the specification for the same UI that was built many months ago by some other team could be better served by conducting user research.

For example, if team A and team B are both creating buttons, then the design system should consider developing a reusable button that works for many product teams across an organization. A design system team will conduct an initial discovery on the requirements of a reusable button which includes variations, sizes and platform needs (mobile and web). Once all the requirements are gathered, the team will own the creation of a component.

Essentially for a design system to be a living, evolving system that represents the best thinking of an organization, it needs to deliver on shared value. For a component to be reusable, it needs to be relevant to several product teams. Engaging a design system team to build a component that is only specific to your product is not systems thinking. Components with one-off cases should not belong in the component library or the design system.

Support from a central team

The heart of any design system is the central team designing and developing UI components. A highly functional design system team follows a well-defined process for designing, building, and documenting components, visual guidelines, engineering guidelines and user experience patterns.

For example, when building a system feature—for example, a button component—a design system team should gather requirements by conducting an initial design discovery on items such as variations, sizes, and composability. After this initial discovery, the team should share their findings with the developers who want to use the component to ensure it has all of the features they need to adopt it once it’s released. At this point, building the component is the easy part, but there should be clear documentation on design, code, and accessibility to support this new element. These are the core responsibilities of a design system team.

Furthermore, the team is responsible for fixing bugs, supporting the design community, creating training material, and so on. A design system should be treated as a product team whose customers are the internal designers and front-end engineers, focused on building and scaling the system.

Lastly, the team is responsible for adoption. If there is no adoption by other teams, building a design system for the sake of building one is a wasted effort. There are many ways to assess the impact of a design system within an organization. For example, a design system team can scan companywide codebases to identify where and how the system is used. This also helps understand which teams are using the latest version of UI components.

Another way to assess the adoption rate is to ask product teams to self-report quarterly on their adoption progress. This works depending on the size of an organization. A design system team can also use a combination of surveys with other assessment methods.

Often there is a product manager responsible for cultivating partnerships with other stakeholders. They create the development roadmap and bring community needs back to designers and developers.

> When creating a sustainable culture, your design system is only as strong as your relationships with the teams who use it. — AirBnB

Designed to help developers

Design systems are meant to empower front-end developers with their development workflow. There are many tasks that developers care about—package download, tooling, scoped modules and many more. The good news is that design systems help cover these topics. Let’s take a look at some of the specific cases.

If a design system built components, but had no way to distribute it, it would frustrate many developers. Or if packages were being distributed via an outdated package manager, it would make consuming the design system components challenging for developers. A good design system is constantly evolving its distribution tools. Modern package manager tools such as NPM or Yarn are commonly supported across many design systems today.

Furthermore, components need to be versioned correctly and release notes need to be updated frequently to reflect major and minor version changes. Many design systems go far by documenting their process around testing to gain confidence from developers on the stability of components.

Additionally developers care about style encapsulation and compiling and transpiling of code. Some developers care about scoped CSS class names. Many design systems use CSS Modules to modularize and compose CSS. Design systems leverage CSS Modules to enable custom scoping of class names and prevent name clashing between different versions. CSS Modules allow UI components to coexist on a page with other versions of the library.

As such, design systems come with clear documentation for developers on many of these topics under their Getting Started for Engineers section. This helps onboard first-time developers. There are several other engineering issues that design systems can help solve—JavaScript polyfills, support for Vue or React frameworks, distributing library assets using a CDN, SCSS post-processing or overrides, built-in accessibility, and so on. The point is that the design system goes far beyond the visual guidelines. Supporting engineering tasks is a part of what a design system does.

Wrapping up

If you find your teams building the same components over and over, then maybe it’s time to systematize your design. With a design system, is an alliance between your engineering and design teams can efficiently build a consistent user experience for the end users that scales easily across multiple products and platforms. This goes beyond building a library, it includes researching, maintaining, and distributing documentation on the standards and guidelines for the organization’s design. It is critical that both designers and developers play their role in order to build an engaging product experience.

A design system is not a project or a side project. It is a product serving other products.Without treating it as its own product, it will fail to gain adoption in an organization.

A design system is not a style guide, pattern library, or a component library. But all of these together make up the system.

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