
This product could help build a more equitable workplace (Ep. 575)

Today’s guest is Ilit Raz, founder and CEO of Joonko, which aims to build a more equitable workplace by automating the recruitment of diverse talent from underrepresented communities.

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Today’s guest is Ilit Raz, founder and CEO of Joonko, which aims to build a more equitable workplace by automating the recruitment of diverse talent from underrepresented communities.

Episode notes:

Joonko is an automated diversity recruiting layer named for Japanese mountain climber ​​Junko Tabei, the first woman to reach the summit of Mt. Everest. You can learn about their talent pool, keep up with their blog, or check out their open positions.

ICYMI, read our blog post about how the recent tech layoffs have had a disproportionate impact on women, people of color, and immigrants.

Connect with Ilit on LinkedIn.

This week’s Lifeboat badge is awarded to pppery for their answer to Why use positional-only parameters in Python 3.8+?.


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