Scaling systems to manage all the metadata ABOUT the data

On this episode, Ryan and Cassidy talk to Satish Jayanthi, CTO and co-founder of Coalesce, about the growth of metadata and how you can manage it, especially in systems using generative AI. They explore the importance of providing context and transparency to data, how metadata can be generated automatically, and the future of metadata including knowledge graphs.

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Coalesce is a solution to transform data at scale.

You can find Satish on LinkedIn.

We previously spoke to Satish for a Q&A on the blog: AI is only as good as the data: Q&A with Satish Jayanthi of Coalesce

We previously covered metadata on the blog: Metadata, not data, is what drags your database down

Congrats to Lifeboat winner nwinkler for saving this question with a great answer: Docker run hello-world not working


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