A student of Geoff Hinton, Yann LeCun, and Jeff Dean explains where AI is headed

Ben and Ryan are joined by Matt Zeiler, founder and CEO of Clarifai, an AI workflow orchestration platform. They talk about how the transformer architecture supplanted convolutional neural networks in AI applications, the infrastructure required for AI implementation, the implications of regulating AI, and the value of synthetic data.

Article hero image
Credit: Alexandra Francis

Clarifai is a developer-friendly AI workflow orchestration platform built to help devs integrate AI into technical workflows and customer experiences.

We’ve written about best practices for integrating AI tools into your workflows.

Connect with Matt on LinkedIn or via his website. You can also read his posts on the Clarifai blog.

Well-deserved congrats to Stack Overflow user Jay Wick, who earned a Populist badge by explaining how to Get image preview before uploading in React.


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