
Podcast Episode 220: Fully Remote

This week, we discussed how our dedicated community saved Stack Overflow from a serious certificate bug.

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This episode was recorded two weeks ago, just as Stack Overflow made the decision to go fully remote. Since then, a lot has changed. Life across the globe is scary, challenging, and changing fast. Our hearts go out to everyone affected and our hopes go out to the brave workers fighting this pandemic on the front lines. That said, if you need a break from the news and a chance to laugh, we got you covered.

Many countries around the world have now ordered citizens to work from home, exempting only those in essential industries. We have some tips on our blog about how to make remote work the best it can be, and a new piece up on how to handle remote hiring if your company is trying to fill positions during these unusual circumstances.

Sara is nervous about working from home with her husband, who is also a software engineer. There can only be so many commits in a committed relationship. But she has double the space per person of Paul, who shares a 1200 square foot Brooklyn abode with a wife and two kids. Ben, meanwhile, has decamped for upstate New York.

Buzzfeed asks, if this sudden experiment in mass remote work goes well for certain companies, will they simply opt to transition to full remote forever after the pandemic ends.

Stack Overflow was born remote, an idea that germinated across blogs and Skype calls. The very first episode of the Stack Overflow podcast tells the tale.

Our community saved us from major egg on our face, warning us about a Let's Encrypt bug that would have left Stack Overflow with expired certificates. You can hear a more detailed explanation of how this works here. Once again, time is every programmer's nemesis.

If you're cracking out an old computer to use for home schooling your children or lending to a neighbor, Paul asks you to consider that now, in this wild moment of uncertainty, an Ubuntu Linux machine might be just the solution you need.

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