
The Overflow #138: Social learning for engineers

Monitoring data quality, telling your boss about overtime, and Docusaurus 2

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Welcome to ISSUE #138 of The Overflow! This newsletter is by developers, for developers, written and curated by the Stack Overflow team and Cassidy Williams. This week: the changing demand for developer skills, CPUs and the power of two, and a brief history of the number pad.

From the blog

Skilling for success: How demand for development skills is changing stackoverflow.blog Developers need to always be learning, but knowing what skills companies want can help you direct your learning towards marketable skills.

Great engineering cultures are built on social learning communities stackoverflow.blog For a successful Agile and DevOps practice, organizations need to think beyond tooling. You need to seed collaboration into your engineering culture.

From starting Uber’s data team to building your own startup (Ep. 469) stackoverflow.blog Bigeye cofounders Kyle Kirwan (CEO) and Egor Gryaznov (CTO) join the home team to discuss their data observability platform, what it’s like to go from coworkers to cofounders, and the surprising value of boring technology.

Out-of-the-box data system discovery and classification promotion Transcend Data Mapping learns your database schema and automatically classifies the personal data within, so your company isn’t left with incomplete data visibility—and you don’t have to maintain database queries.

Interesting questions

Order By causes a scan on a large table dba.stackexchange.com It’s better to avoid all sorts of databases.

How can I interpret syntax in VIM help pages? vi.stackexchange.com Lucky for you there’s a man page for the notation used in man pages. If only you knew the command, though.

Should I tell my boss that I am doing a crazy amount of overtime? workplace.stackexchange.com Your boss can’t do their job if you’re not giving them all the data.

Why are most the common processors’ bit count a power of 2? superuser.com Computers may process information in binary, but they store memory addresses in integers.

Links from around the web

Announcing Docusaurus 2.0 docusaurus.io After a solid four years (an eternity in the tech world!), version 2 of Docusaurus is here!

Standard eBooks standardebooks.org If you’re looking for a new book to read and you’re not sure where to turn, this is an awesome project full of public domain books for you to peruse!

The study of shaders with React Three Fiber blog.maximeheckel.com Dynamic meshes and geometries can be a confusing concept in Three.js. Here’s a guide on how to understand them better with shaders.

A brief history of the numeric keypad doc.cc We’ve all used them at some point. How did the numeric keypad come to be?

A blast from the past: Getting started with contributing to open source.

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