Underscoring (or dunder-scoring) the importance of native type methods in Python
Standard operators make for clean, readable code. With dunder methods, you can add these operators to your own classes.

Theodoros ‘Theo’ Karasavvas is a proud geek and a technical writer. He has written for Ars Technica, Gizmodo, and AT&T Cybersecurity among others. He has a Master of Studies in Law from the University of Athens and speaks four languages. He specializes in writing about current events, tech trends, and privacy technology.
Standard operators make for clean, readable code. With dunder methods, you can add these operators to your own classes.
Running a development team for each mobile platform sucks up resources from other work. Flutter is the most popular way for one development team to build on all platforms.
Is ES6 the JavaScript release that will finally free us from the endless cycle of frameworks?
Here's why JavaScript has been the language of choice for front-end and back-end web dev.
To overcome SQL limitations, many companies introduced programming languages for building applications that interface with SQL databases—for example PL/SQL from Oracle. PL/SQL applications can be inefficient. But you can streamline this interface using data type collections, making PL/SQL applications faster and more efficient.
IaC allows developers to supply IT environments with multiple lines of code and can be deployed in a matter of minutes (in contrast to manual infrastructure, which can take hours if not days to be deployed).
When it comes to developing low latency software systems, the received wisdom is that you would be crazy to use anything but C++ because anything else has too high a latency. But I’m here to convince you of the opposite, counter-intuitive, almost heretical notion: that when it comes to achieving low latency in software systems, Java is better.