Debugging best practices for REST API consumers
How you can debug the APIs that you consume but don't own.

How you can debug the APIs that you consume but don't own.
How many bug fixes does it take to set a world record?
Traditionally, linters make sure your code is clean and easy for teammates to read. They check for errors, bugs, style, and more. While they are more prevalent in dynamic/interpreted languages, they are not limited to them. Getting code as tidy as possible is the goal, but linters can also take some time getting used to, be a distraction, and might even be impossible to introduce to old, large code bases. We look at why they might still be worth your time.
When we built the game as a single-page app and queried the domain, it was such a memory hog. The game jam was over, but I couldn’t let it go. It kept bugging me. Was it Vue.js? Was it Netlify? Was it our hacky code? I had to find out.