What launching rockets taught this CTO about hardware observability
Austin Spiegel, CTO and co-founder of Sift, tells Ben and Ryan about his journey from studying film to working at SpaceX to founding Sift.

Austin Spiegel, CTO and co-founder of Sift, tells Ben and Ryan about his journey from studying film to working at SpaceX to founding Sift.
Ryan and Ben chat with Raymond Lo, AI software evangelist at Intel, about the AI PC, the software that powers AI breakthroughs, and optimizing hardware and software in unison to improve generative AI performance.
There are new ways to leverage different CPU architectures to increase application performance and reduce cloud compute costs. Making the cloud-native stack multi-architecture ready helps applications run on the right hardware in cloud environments.
Vision AI used to be something only specialized shops could add to projects. Now it's accessible to any software developer out there.
If you think your software experience will let you build a hardware project easily, you might be a bit too ambitious. It's very different from software.