Examples of logographic writing systems evolving into non-logographic ones?
Internet English. Emojis are the new hieroglyphics.
APIs have steadily become the backbone of AI systems, connecting data and tools seamlessly. Discover how they can drive scalable and secure training for AI models and intelligence automation.
Can an org automate security, change its culture to up their dev velocity, and stave off burnout?
An update on recent launches and the upcoming roadmap.
We’re excited to announce our 16th annual Stack Gives Back campaign donations.
Is anyone designing software where failures don't have consequences?
This year, technologies such as JavaScript and PostgreSQL remain most popular, Rust and Markdown remain most admired, developers are most frustrated by technical debt at work, and they don’t see AI as a threat to their jobs.
It’s easy to generate code, but not so easy to generate good code.
Is your preferred programming language a matter of national security?
A look at some of the current thinking around chunking data for retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems.
There’s no silver bullet for this type of ghost.
Single individuals make less of a difference to the success or failure of a technology project than you might think (and that’s a good thing).
A developer’s journal is a place to define the problem you’re solving and record what you tried and what worked.
Computer science deals with concurrency, but what about simultaneity?
Would updating a tool few think about make a diff(erence)?
It's time to delegate to the robots.
A model is an approximation of the truth. Making one is both an art and a science!
They can take caffeine from my very awake hands!!
Software design is a deliberate process that requires deliberate effort.
15 whole years (!) after the origins of responsive web design, the browser has come a long way!
The software behind Pebble, the e-ink smartwatch of the early 2010s, is now open source, and the watch is coming back too!
Accessibility issues can sneak up on you, and this developer learned how to navigate them with her voice.
This is a comprehensive deep-dive into monorepos for JavaScript and TypeScript, what they are, why you'd use them, and how to set them up best.
A legendary note from 1979 is still relevant today.
Whether you're on the dark side or the light, it's good to have a strategy for both.
While a cure for the broken-hearted remains out of reach, stem cells can now repair your most important muscle.
A solid intro to the basics of accessibility for your web projects.
Hardware hacking is always fun to read about.
Every week we’ll share a collection of great questions from our community, news and articles from our blog, and awesome links from around the web.
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