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Solving the data doom loop

Ken Stott, Field CTO of API platform Hasura, tells Ryan about the data doom loop: the concept that organizations are spending lots of money on data systems without seeing improvements in data quality or efficiency. Their conversation touches on the challenges of data management, the impact of microservices, the importance of feedback loops in ensuring data quality, and how a data architecture that uses a supergraph would enhance data accessibility and quality.

How API security is evolving for the GenAI era

Ben Popper chats with Keith Babo, Head of Product at Solo.io, about how the API security landscape is changing in the era of GenAI. They talk through the role of governance in AI, the importance of data protection, and the role API gateways play in enhancing security and functionality. Keith shares his insights on retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems, protecting PII, and the necessity of human-in-the-loop AI development.